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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

♥ Tacky, or no?

C came to visit my family for Christmas/Hanukkah, and we went ring shopping while he was there(of course, I neglected to write down his ring size...). Boy has expensive taste!!!

--We have to have a gold ring. With his job, I didn't feel comfortable getting something like tungsten or titanium that's difficult to cut off in emergency. I'd rather have a scratched up ring than a 9 fingered husband.
--He likes thicker bands.
--He doesn't like anything 'fancy'.

So the ring from Kay's that he likes runs around $399.

Is it completely horrible/tacky that I'm now looking at sites like Etsy and eBay to offset the cost? I found this listing on Etsy($290, $10 shipping. Free engraving):

And I found this one on eBay($299, free shipping and engraving):


T-239 days and counting...

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
5:47 AM
0 commented

Monday, May 4, 2009

♥ Very long time...

And no write. I guess I could say that I haven't had the time, or the inspiration....but what it really boils down to is that the insanity intensified like WHOA fast.

Soo.... Life wise.
I did end up winning the race for the Sorority Presidency. One of my very best friends(more like a brother than a friend) won the race for SGA Presidency, and now I'm his Chief of Staff. I got guilted into being the Treasurer/Secretary for Order of Omega(Greek Honor society), and I think that's it.

C and I are doing great, and the wedding planning is really starting to chug along. We'll be completing pre-marital counseling part 1 next weekend in Panama City, FL on a marriage retreat, courtesy of the US Army. Thanks taxpayers!

Weddings are funny things--it brings out emotions in people that you never thought you'd see, and brings out baggage that you never needed to see! Just recently we had a drama explosion over our wedding party. See, I have 2 brothers. They are my life. I can't imagine living without them. C has a brother, and he's also really close to two of his cousins. So a good deal of our wedding party gets decided really fast. I felt bad, but with our uber-traditional family, I just didn't see Bridesmen going over well, and so we made them groomsmen (Hindsight being 20/20, I should've done it anyways). Well, That made C's brother mad, and made my brother anxious(he doesn't like/want to stand up in front of all those people. would rather "cry in peace"). But....C then has friends that are like brothers. and he's just generally everyone's best friend. I love that about him....most of the time. Not right now. People's feelings were getting hurt by not being included in the Wedding party, and unfortunately with C away I had to handle most of it. BUT--a solution was reached. Here's how our wedding party shapes up:

My Side:
MOH-Best friend. I've lived with her the past 3 years and she's my sorority sister
BM-A, Cody's Cousin
BM-K, my little
BM-L, My big
BM-E, My sister in Law

C's Side:
BM-J, best friend since......forever
GM-R, C's 1/2 brother
GM-W, C's cousin
GM-JD, my brother
GM-M, my brother
GM-P, one of Cody's best friends.

We've found other places to put people for an 'honored' position. we'll have 3 readings, My GBig is the Guestbook attendant, and my cousins will be ushers/passing out programs.

What's that saying? Don't sweat the small stuff....and it's all small stuff. Definitely a good motto for wedding planning. ;)

T-241 days and counting!

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
7:06 AM
0 commented

Sunday, November 16, 2008

♥ Life and Planning Update

Semester is almost over, thank god. Can't take it.
Sorority Elections are coming up--Running for President. Cross your fingers for me!
I go home in less than 2 weeks!!!!

Decided on what flowers I want
Decided on Centerpieces
Found transportation for after.

Everything is chugging along--I'm tracking myself to be done with a majority of the planning by early august.

T-409 days and counting!

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
8:25 AM
0 commented

♥ Bridal Pics/Boudoir Pics

I'm back! Sort of. :) This whole school thing is taking up wayyy too much of my life.

So question of the day: Did you do Bridal Portraits? OR Boudoir ones? Neither? Both?

They seem to be a big trend right now... I guess I'm sort of confused by them. Bridal portraits--Won't we take enough pictures the day of? Why go through all that again? One of my friends(or at least facebook friend) posted hers the other day...I don't know. It's her. Standing around. Innn her dress. Why do that, when you could have fun with it and do a TTD? Or just save that money, and not do a shoot at all?

And the Boudoir pics.....I'm sorry, I'm leery of having ANY naked/near naked photos of me ANYWHERE.While I'm sure the future Hubby appreciates them, I'm not prepared to deal with some hot button issues--what to wear/not wear? what if you get divorced? Are you prepared for those pictures to pop up as blackmail?

Call me OCD, but I'd be concerned about all that.

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
8:19 AM
1 commented

Friday, October 24, 2008

♥ Hooray for break!

This past weekend + Monday and Tuesday was fall break for me. :) Definitely, Definitely needed.

++I got to see the fiance, and be all cute and do wedding stuff. We worked on our registry(Amazon.com=aaaammmaaazzzzziiinnnnnggg), picked out what kind of ring he wants, and took lots of pictures.

So, let's talk about a pet peeve of mine.

Recently, I've had a lot of friends get engaged and say that they won't have alcohol at their wedding.

That's fine and dandy if that's how you feel, I won't stop you!

Then they follow up with-
because it's against my beliefs.(Christian)

let me just say this once: THE BIBLE SAYS NOTHING BAD ABOUT ALCOHOL IN MODERATION. If you READ, you'll notice that any time there is something to celebrate--there is wine. When there is something to mourn-there is wine. JESUS DRANK WINE.

If you don't want to have alcohol at your reception, that's fine, and certainly your prerogative. However, just say you don't want it. Hiding behind Jesus is dumb.

--end rant.

But it was a good weekend, and a much needed break. 33 more days till my next one, but that one includes dress shopping!!! Eee so excited!

T-432 days and counting!

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
7:14 AM
0 commented

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

♥ Long time...No see?

Something like that.

I've been consumed by a mountain of work the past couple weeks, and am glad to reappear with some updates.

--C got into Officer school and received his branching. :) So we can actually have something vaguely resembling a plan!

Downside: No honeymoon, most likely.

--The semester is...progressing. Doing well, ready to be done and I'm in the middle of midterms.

I really wish I had a more fun update, but alas, I haven't been able to have any fun planning moments recently. :(

t-449 days and counting...

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
12:55 PM
0 commented

Friday, September 12, 2008

♥ L, is for the way you look at me...

You all know the rest.

I thought I would share today about how blessed I am to have the man that I have. :) Seriously though--I hear so many women complain about how their men don't do anything sweet for them.

Well...C does a lot for me. It's a little ridiculous sometimes, but I love it all the same. For example, yesterday, C had his dad bring me roses. Why? Because I've been having a rough couple of weeks. As I type I get to look over and see beautiful multicolored roses....white, red, pink, peach, orange, yellow...

::everyone go "AWWWWWWWWWWWWW"::

Our 1 year anniversary is coming up at the end of the month. We won't be able to see each other.I'm going to put a card in our card tree(Something we do for every holiday we're apart) and he's saying that he'll give me anything I want. Half of me wants to be mean and take him for a real ride for that...the other half doesn't even know how to respond.

What would YOU ask for?

Seriously, tell me. I need ideas!!

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
7:54 AM
1 commented

♥ Blissed Lover ;

    Loves C
    Event Planner

    ♥ Pretty Moments

    ♥ Thank you

    ♥ Past rawr-ing