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Monday, May 4, 2009

♥ Very long time...

And no write. I guess I could say that I haven't had the time, or the inspiration....but what it really boils down to is that the insanity intensified like WHOA fast.

Soo.... Life wise.
I did end up winning the race for the Sorority Presidency. One of my very best friends(more like a brother than a friend) won the race for SGA Presidency, and now I'm his Chief of Staff. I got guilted into being the Treasurer/Secretary for Order of Omega(Greek Honor society), and I think that's it.

C and I are doing great, and the wedding planning is really starting to chug along. We'll be completing pre-marital counseling part 1 next weekend in Panama City, FL on a marriage retreat, courtesy of the US Army. Thanks taxpayers!

Weddings are funny things--it brings out emotions in people that you never thought you'd see, and brings out baggage that you never needed to see! Just recently we had a drama explosion over our wedding party. See, I have 2 brothers. They are my life. I can't imagine living without them. C has a brother, and he's also really close to two of his cousins. So a good deal of our wedding party gets decided really fast. I felt bad, but with our uber-traditional family, I just didn't see Bridesmen going over well, and so we made them groomsmen (Hindsight being 20/20, I should've done it anyways). Well, That made C's brother mad, and made my brother anxious(he doesn't like/want to stand up in front of all those people. would rather "cry in peace"). But....C then has friends that are like brothers. and he's just generally everyone's best friend. I love that about him....most of the time. Not right now. People's feelings were getting hurt by not being included in the Wedding party, and unfortunately with C away I had to handle most of it. BUT--a solution was reached. Here's how our wedding party shapes up:

My Side:
MOH-Best friend. I've lived with her the past 3 years and she's my sorority sister
BM-A, Cody's Cousin
BM-K, my little
BM-L, My big
BM-E, My sister in Law

C's Side:
BM-J, best friend since......forever
GM-R, C's 1/2 brother
GM-W, C's cousin
GM-JD, my brother
GM-M, my brother
GM-P, one of Cody's best friends.

We've found other places to put people for an 'honored' position. we'll have 3 readings, My GBig is the Guestbook attendant, and my cousins will be ushers/passing out programs.

What's that saying? Don't sweat the small stuff....and it's all small stuff. Definitely a good motto for wedding planning. ;)

T-241 days and counting!

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
7:06 AM
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